Category: Beginners Guide to Meditation

How to Get Better at Meditation

By Mindworks Team

How to Meditate for the Benefits (Having Healthier and Happier Lives) When we first begin a meditation practice, it’s common...

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Walking Meditation and How to Do It

By Mindworks Team

Mindful Walking Meditation Guide (How to Meditate While Walking) When we think of meditation, we typically picture someone sitting upright...

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The Best Guided Meditations For Beginners

By Mindworks Team

Guided Meditation for Beginners: How to Meditate? (And Keep it Simple) Guided meditation can be a good way to start...

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How Long Should Beginners Meditate For?

By Mindworks Team

The Best Meditation Length for Beginners (The Ideal Amount of Time) New to meditation? You might be wondering how long...

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How Meditation Helps Stop Overthinking

By Mindworks Team

How Overthinking Harms Us (Meditating When You're an Overthinker) We all know what it’s like to lie awake at night...

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Guided Meditation for Stress Relief

By Maria Camara

A mindful breathing meditation for relaxation Based on the guided meditations for stress reduction presented in Mindworks Working with Stress...

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Meditation Definition: What is Meditation? Take Charge of the Mind

By Mindworks Team

Good question! Meditation is indeed learning to work with the mind. The Cambridge dictionary defines meditation as “the act of...

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Does Meditation Make You Happy?

By Trinlay Rinpoche

What do we all have in common? What motivates us? What is it that we’re all striving for? We’re all looking...

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How Long Does Meditation Take to Work?

By Mindworks Team

A good number of new meditators begin sitting with the hope that the holistic benefits of meditation will make themselves...

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Best Meditation Techniques for Beginners

By Mindworks Team

Meditation is a transformational method that not only helps us relax but also improves our general well-being. If you’re just...

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How to Start Meditating: Five Meditation Techniques for Beginners

By Mindworks Team

Mindworks 101: Learn How to Start Meditating Keep it Simple When the time comes to start meditating, it may all...

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Beginners Guide to Meditation

By Pamela Gayle White

How to Meditate for Beginners: let’s get you started! You’ve read about the many benefits of meditation, you’ve got friends...

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How Long Should I Meditate?

By Mindworks Team

For those new to meditation or thinking about starting, some common questions that crop up are How long should my...

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Mindfulness Q & A

By Khaydroup Podvoll

Answering what is the meaning of mindfulness with Khaydroup Podvoll How would a seasoned meditation teacher define “mindfulness?” We wondered...

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Meditation Classes for Beginners

By Mindworks Team

Mindfulness-based meditation practice for beginners Wondering how to start meditating? For beginners, there are plenty of courses and classes that...

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Mindworks goal is simple—we want to help you discover the transformative power of meditation so that you can live your best life. As a 501c3 nonprofit, your support enables us to bring accessible, authentic meditation guidance to a worldwide community.

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