Category: Love & Compassion Meditation

The Health Benefits of Compassion

By Mindworks Team

Why Compassion Matters More Than Ever (Having Empathy) The science of compassion says the desire to relieve the suffering of...

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The Relationship Between Wisdom and Compassion

By Mindworks Team

The Interrelationship between Wisdom and Compassion in Buddhism It could be said that the essence of Mahayana Buddhism is the...

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The Kryptonite of Compassion

By Rachel Parrish

What is true, unconditional, genuine compassion? Sometimes, when we witness a person or animal in a difficult situation, we feel...

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Is There a Role for Meditation in the Fight for Social Justice?

By Mindworks Team

Meditation Can Make You Less Personally Biased Meditation is a deeply personal practice, and yet it has an important role...

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What is This Thing We Call Self?

By Bart Mendel

We Are Not What We Think (And The Idea of Selflessness) We know from our experience that everything is always...

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What is A Bodhisattva?

By Mindworks Team

What is the Meaning of Bodhisattva? Definition, Origins & Practices The bodhisattva seated in meditation is among the most iconic...

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Opening the Heart to Love

By Vinny Ferraro

4 Heart Practices Meditation I think when I first came to practice, probably for the first couple years, I sat...

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Understanding Empathy and Compassion

By Julia Stenzel

Compassion is a multidimensional process with four key components Compassion is the heartfelt wish to help others become free of...

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The Contemplative Approach to Compassion

By Lama Jampa Thaye

How to develop compassion in a contemplative way, free from suffering The best approach to compassion is probably through love....

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Contemplating Lovingkindness

By Lama Jampa Thaye

The causes of happiness and the role of love in developing connections One of the main causes of happiness is...

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Tonglen Meditation – How to Practice

By Pamela Gayle White

Laying a foundation for active compassion in your meditation practice Tonglen is an ancient form of meditation that focuses on...

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Lovingkindness and Compassion Meditation

By Bart Mendel

How is lovingkindness different from love in meditation practice? In our culture, “love” is a loaded word. We usually think...

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The Four Qualities of a Wise and Open Heart

By Mindworks Team

What are the Four Immeasurables in Buddhism? — An Introduction As meditators, we spend a lot of time practicing the art of...

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Lovingkindness Meditation – A Daily Script

By Mindworks Team

A simple and profound lovingkindness meditation to practice every day What is lovingkindness meditation? Often presented as a complement to...

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What is Selflessness?

By Julia Stenzel

Developing a deeper awareness of selflessness through compassion When we think about our life, about our experience, who we are...

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