Rachel Parrish teaches how to meditate on Mindworks

Dedicated Meditator and Teacher

About Rachel Parrish

Rachel Parrish has taught meditation and guided retreats throughout Europe and the US for over 25 years. Born and raised in the mid-West, Rachel graduated from Wichita State University with a degree in English, Chemistry and Art History. She discovered the wonders of meditation during a trip to Europe in 1992 and began her meditation practice and study at a meditation center in Dordogne, France. Three years later Rachel moved to France’s Auvergne region where she completed six years in group retreat, followed by a year of solitary retreat. After traveling and studying abroad for 20 years, Rachel returned to the US in 2009 and served as resident teacher of a meditation center in Chicago. Rachel currently lives with her husband in France. Rachel’s insightful meditation teachings are featured in many levels of the Mindworks Journey.

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