Category: Mind Trainer Articles

The Four Reminders

By Lama Jampa Thaye

What are the four reminders in Buddhism? The four reminders or contemplations are very powerful and productive because they lead...

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Introduction to Abhidharma

By Tilmann Lhundrup

The science of Buddhist psychology (awakening and liberation) When the Buddha interacted with people over twenty-five hundred years ago, he...

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The Life Story of the Buddha

By Bart Mendel

Life-changing lessons we can learn from the Buddha The Buddha did not begin his life as “The Buddha.” He began...

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Buddha’s 8 Fold Path

By Joseph Rogers

Why Is The Eightfold Path Important? (Putting an End to Suffering) Buddhism offers a map, a path of practice. This...

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Understanding the Accumulation of Merit and Wisdom

By Khaydroup Podvoll

Why accumulating merit and wisdom is important When we intentionally develop positive qualities, we’re building a certain spiritual force, a...

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Remedies to Agitation and Dullness

By Tilmann Lhundrup

Two classic obstacles to meditation, explained When you’ve decided to meditate and work on training your mind, don’t assume that...

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The Buddhist Teaching on the Five Aggregates – Part 1

By Lama Jampa Thaye

What are the five skandhas or aggregates? Why are the five aggregates important? This is a fundamental Buddhist teaching, and...

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The Kryptonite of Compassion

By Rachel Parrish

What is true, unconditional, genuine compassion? Sometimes, when we witness a person or animal in a difficult situation, we feel...

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The Meaning of Taking Refuge

By Lama Jampa Thaye

Seeking refuge and protection from suffering with the 3 jewels Taking refuge is a fundamental Buddhist practice. It may be...

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The Importance of Wise View in Buddhism

By Joseph Rogers

Two types of wise view as the foundation of Buddha's 8-fold path As we enter the path of practice, it’s...

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Lifestyle Medicine and a Simple Formula for Wellness

By Dr. Ben Brown

Keys to Establishing a Lifestyle that Meets Your Goals What is lifestyle medicine? Lifestyle medicine is a form of mind-body...

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What is This Thing We Call Self?

By Bart Mendel

We Are Not What We Think (And The Idea of Selflessness) We know from our experience that everything is always...

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Unleashing the Goodness of Mind

By Tsony Devroux

Refine Your Mind's Qualities and Potential with Meditation Practice One beautiful thing about the mind is that it doesn’t have...

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Meditation Benefits for the Mind and Body

By Trungram Gyalwa, PhD

Our minds and our bodies are connected. If we’re unhappy for an extended time, our bodies become weaker and more...

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Opening the Heart to Love

By Vinny Ferraro

4 Heart Practices Meditation I think when I first came to practice, probably for the first couple years, I sat...

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